
Hyundai Kona Electric Thinkware U1000 + iVolt Battery

Hyundai Kona Electric Thinkware U1000 + iVolt Battery

We fitted this brand new Kona EV with the best dash cam and battery pack Thinkware has to offer. The Thinkware U1000 dash cam features impressive 4...
1-Channel Dash Cams - Is there any point in a Rear Ender?

1-Channel Dash Cams - Is there any point in a Rear Ender?

Over the last 2 years, we found that our customer base has gone heavily towards 2-channel (front and rear) dash cam systems. Many people making the...
BMW E90 M3 Rear Window Tint

BMW E90 M3 Rear Window Tint

This mint E90 BMW M3 rolled into our shop with just 8000kms on the odometer. Our customer wanted to keep a relatively stock exterior but wanted to ...