Kia K5 JBL BassPro Hub 11" Spare Tire Subwoofer Install

The owner of this brand-new Kia K5 reached to us for options on improving the bass response from his factory Bose 12-speaker audio system. Not satisfied with the bass the factory subwoofer produced, the owner wanted something that would offer more bass, but not take up a significant amount of room, and be relatively out of sight.

After going over a few options, we suggested the JBL BassPro Hub 11" powered subwoofer system, which fits in the spare tire well in the trunk, completely out of sight underneath the trunk carpet. Offering 200W RMS with a frequency response of 30Hz-150Hz, with a remote control to personalize the bass response from the subwoofer, this offered a significant improvement over the factory Bose subwoofer. 

Contact us for a quote on installing the JBL BassPro Hub into your vehicle! 

Kia K5 JBL BassPro Hub Spare Tire SubwooferKia K5 JBL BassPro Hub Spare Tire SubwooferKia K5 JBL BassPro Hub Spare Tire Subwoofer